Vin de Art Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming an artistic partner of "Cheers for Charities". We are looking forward to a very successful partnership. Because, really, what's better than award-winning wines with beautiful art for great causes!?! Please fill out the below application and read over and agree to the agreement term and conditions so we can get started. Thank you!
Terms of Agreement
I agree, as a Vin de Art partner member, that I:
Support a non-profit organization or an organization raising funds for a charitable cause
Will actively promote my wines (newsletters, website, flyers, etc.)
Have the legal right and authority to use the logos, photos, artwork and any verbage that is given to Cheers for Charities, and agree that these do not violate any copyright laws.
I also agree that Cheers for Charities and any of it's affiliates or members are:
Not responsible for any wrong-doing or liabilities associated with the charitiable wines.
Has the right to use photos of the charitable wines for business purposes.
Will distribute funds raised from the promotion of said organizations wine quarterly.